Soft Keys
Soft keys control what features are available on the row of keys below the phone's screen based on the current call state. File is specified by <softKeyFile
> in SEPMAC.cnf.xml. Note: Some phone models do not support certain soft keys and those features may instead be available as Line Keys.The 8961, 9951 and 9971 models use the Feature Policy to determine what features are available instead unless <
> is enabled. Note: For models that have dedicated Transfer
, Conference
, Hold
and EndCall
keys those features are also controlled using soft key definitions.<softKeyCfg>
Undefined link
Undefined or empty soft key, must have akeyID
of Undefined
or Null
. <softKeyDef keyID="Undefined">
Redial link
Redials last number dialed. <softKeyDef keyID="Redial">
NewCall link
Make a new outgoing call. <softKeyDef keyID="NewCall">
Hold link
Place the currently selected call on hold. <softKeyDef keyID="Hold">
Transfer link
Transfer the currently selected call. 7900 series only. <softKeyDef keyID="Transfer">
CFwdAll link
Sets or removes the current call-forwarding target. The phone make a call tox-cisco-serviceuri-cfwdall-XXX
where XXX
is replaced by the forwarding target dialed by the user. The phone will make a call to x-cisco-serviceuri-cfwdall
when clearing the forwarding target. See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="CFwdAll">
<< link
Backspace (delete) over a digit you have dialed. <softKeyDef keyID="<<">
EndCall link
End the currently selected call. <softKeyDef keyID="EndCall">
Resume link
Retrieve a call you previously placed on hold. <softKeyDef keyID="Resume">
Answer link
Answer the currently selected ringing call. <softKeyDef keyID="Answer">
Confrn link
Start a new ad-hoc conference. 7900 series only. <softKeyDef keyID="Confrn">
Park link
Park the currently selected call. <softKeyDef keyID="Park">
Join link
Join the list of selected calls together into a conference. 7900 series only. <softKeyDef keyID="Join">
MeetMe link
Create a meetme conference. The phone will make a call to extensionx-cisco-serviceuri-meetme-XXX
where XXX
is replaced with the meetme number dialed by the user. See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="MeetMe">
PickUp link
Pick-up a the oldest ringing call on one of the phones in you call group. The phone will make a call to extensionx-cisco-serviceuri-pickup
. See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="PickUp">
GPickUp link
Pick-up the oldest ringing call in a specified call group. The phone will make a call to extensionx-cisco-serviceuri-gickup-XXX
where XXX
is replaced with the group number dialed by the user.See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="GPickUp">
RmLstC link
Remove last participant added to the selected ad-hoc conference. 7900 series only. <softKeyDef keyID="RmLstC">
CallBack link
Activate a call-back for the current outgoing call. Phone will notify you when the extension becomes available. You need to have a ring-tone namedCallback.raw
to get an audible notification. <softKeyDef keyID="CallBack">
DND link
Set or remove Do Not Disturb presence status. 7900 series only. <softKeyDef keyID="DND">
QRT link
Quality reporting tool, indicates that Asterisk should log RTP statistics when the call finishes. <callStats
> must be set to true
in SEPMAC.cnf.xml. <softKeyDef keyID="QRT">
MCID link
Identify and log the current call as being malicious. <softKeyDef keyID="MCID">
Select link
Add or remove the currently selected call to the list of calls to be joined together into a conference. 7900 series only. <softKeyDef keyID="Select">
ConfList link
Provide a list participants in the currently selected ad-hoc conference. Participants can be muted/un-muted by pressingMute
or removed by pressing Remove
. Participants that are muted have their caller ID prefixed with a -
(minus) and those that are talking are prefixed with a +
(plus). <softKeyDef keyID="ConfList">
iDivert link
Diverts a ringing call on your phone by sending a busy signal or sends a call toidivert
extension if the call is connected. See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="iDivert">
OPickUp link
Pick-up the oldest ringing on a phone in your other pickup group. The phone will make a call to extensionx-cisco-serviceuri-opickup
. See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="OPickUp">
HLog link
Login or Logout from the hunt group. 7900 series only. <softKeyDef keyID="HLog">
AbbrDial link
Use abbreviated (speed) dialing. The phone will make a call to extensionx-cisco-serviceuri-abbrdial-XXX
where XXX
is replaced with the number dialed by the user. See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="AbbrDial">
Record link
Record the currently selected call, the separate inbound and outbound audio streams of the call duplicated on the phone and sent to therecord
extension. See Dialplan Extensions for an example. <softKeyDef keyID="Record">
softKeySet link
Specify what soft keys to display in a call state. There is a maximum of16
soft keys for each state.On Hook link
Valid soft keys areRedial
, NewCall
(mandatory), DND
, HLog
, PickUp
, GPickUp
, OPickUp
, CallBack
, MeetMe
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="On Hook">
<softKey keyID="Redial" />
<softKey keyID="NewCall" />
<softKey keyID="DND" />
<softKey keyID="CFwdAll" />
Off Hook link
Valid soft keys areRedial
, EndCall
, HLog
, PickUp
, GPickUp
, OPickUp
, AbbrDial
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Off Hook">
<softKey keyID="Redial" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
<softKey keyID="PickUp" />
Off Hook With Feature link
Valid soft keys areRedial
, EndCall
, AbbrDial
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Off Hook With Feature">
<softKey keyID="Redial" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
Digits After First link
Valid soft keys areEndCall
, <<
(mandatory), DND
, AbbrDial
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Digits After First">
<softKey keyid="<<" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
Ring Out link
Valid soft keys areEndCall
, CallBack
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Ring Out">
<softKey keyID="Undefined" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
Connected link
Valid soft keys areHold
, EndCall
(mandatory), Transfer
, Park
, Confrn
, ConfList
, RmLstC
, Record
, iDivert
, HLog
, Select
, Join
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Connected">
<softKey keyID="Hold" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
<softKey keyID="Transfer" />
<softKey keyID="Confrn" />
<softKey keyID="ConfList" />
<softKey keyID="Park" />
Connected No Feature link
Valid soft keys areEndCall
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Connected No Feature">
<softKey keyID="Undefined" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
Connected Transfer link
Valid soft keys areEndCall
, Transfer
(mandatory), CallBack
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Connected Transfer">
<softKey keyID="Undefined" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
<softKey keyID="Transfer" />
Connected Conference link
Valid soft keys areEndCall
, Confrn
(mandatory), DND
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Connected Conference">
<softKey keyID="Undefined" />
<softKey keyID="EndCall" />
<softKey keyID="Confrn" />
On Hold link
Valid soft keys areResume
(mandatory), NewCall
, iDivert
, Select
, Join
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="On Hold">
<softKey keyID="Resume" />
<softKey keyID="NewCall" />
Ring In link
Valid soft keys areAnswer
, iDivert
and Undefined
. <softKeySet id="Ring In">
<softKey keyID="Answer" />
<softKey keyID="iDivert" />
<softKey keyID="DND" />
<softKeySet id="Remote In Use" />