


CGI Execute

The phone can be commanded to execute an internal URI handler or fetch an external URL by sending a POST request to the phone's web-server using the URL http://x.x.x.x/CGI/Execute with a parameter named XML. An archive containing sample command line utilties can be downloaded from the URL below.

file_download commands-2.5.tar.gz (15K) event 08/05/2024 security SHA256:524313469bdddd19304eba4a40457b6ad1fbdff58dd627d5aaae44e446e4004a.

If an <authenticationURL> has been defined, requests need to include a Authorization header encoded using the basic method. The username and password will be passed on to the authentication URL for checking. See Phone Services for more information.

See the open_in_browser Cisco Unified IP Phone Services Application Development Notes a list of URIs the each phone model supports.


ExecuteItem link

Specifies a URL to fetch or a URI to execute. Up to 3 <ExecuteItem> tags can be specified.

URL URL to fetch or execute. Must be ether one of the internal URIs (Dial, Key, SoftKey, Init, Play etc.), an http:// URL or an https:// URL.
Priority Priority of the request (optional)
0 Execute immediately (default) 1 Execute when idle 2 Execute only if idle

<ExecuteItem URL="URL" Priority="PRIORITY" /> </CiscoIPPhoneExecute>

setBackground link

Sets the background on the phone, both URLs must be http://. Send to the phone using the same method as <CiscoIPPhoneExecute> with the XML parameter as follows. An example setbackground script can be found in the archive above.

See Background Images for more information.

<setBackground> <background> <icon>ICON URL</icon> <image>IMAGE URL</image> </background> </setBackground>

setRingTone link

Sets the ring-tone on the phone, the URLs must be http://. Send to the phone using the same method as <CiscoIPPhoneExecute> with the XML parameter as follows. An example setringtone script can be found in the archive above.

See Ring Tones for more information.

<setRingTone> <ringTone>RINGTONE URL</ringTone> </setRingTone>