Patching Asterisk
Steps for patching, compiling and installed the modified version of Asterisk are below. You should be familiar with building from source before attempting this.1. Download a copy of the patch below.
Asterisk 20 | file_download cisco-usecallmanager-20.11.0.patch (337K) event 28/11/2024 security SHA256:119596963317052c5d56d95cd7ae5b80ea2100f36259cbcb57e65f8d32fee517. |
Asterisk 18 | file_download cisco-usecallmanager-18.26.0.patch (337K) event 28/11/2024 security SHA256:cf83b7be1749d62007a46e201879fe99a8564514ed914657c84a130b6b0f980e. |
2. Download the version of Asterisk that matches the version number in the name of the patch.
open_in_browser Asterisk Downloads.
3. Extract the archive and apply the patch.
~$ tar --extract --gzip --file asterisk-X.X.X.tar.gz
~$ cd asterisk-X.X.X
~/asterisk-X.X.X$ patch --strip=1 < ../cisco-usecallmanager-X.X.X.patch
4. Configure the build environment and then compile the source code.
~/asterisk-X.X.X$ CFLAGS="-DENABLE_SRTP_AES_GCM -DENABLE_SRTP_AES_256" ./configure
~/asterisk-X.X.X$ make
5. Install the patched version.
~/asterisk-X.X.X$ sudo make install
6. Optionally install the sample configuration files. Note: sample sip.conf, sip_notify.conf and res_parking.conf contain patch-specific features so you will need to do this at least once.
~/asterisk-X.X.X$ sudo make samples