


User Locale

The user locale allows the phone to display text (menu items, soft keys etc.) native to the phone's language. To download locale packages you will first need to register for a login (free, at the time of writing) at open_in_browser www.cisco.com. Locale packages are selected from the Unified Communications Manager Endpoints Locale Installer link when downloading software.

The user locale package is named po-locale-LANGUAGE-VERSION.cop.sgn or .cop.sha512, the LANGUAGE is the ISO code for your region, eg: en_GB is English (United Kingdom). The name of the directory to download the user locale .jar file from is specified by <name> inside <userLocale> in SEPMAC.cnf.xml.

1. Convert the .cop.sgn or .cop.sha512 to .tar.gz using the stripsgn script.

file_download stripsgn (3.3K) event 09/06/2021 security SHA256:3c524c31ff938f7718a0edf83097323c25deecc98fec908aac35053a6ef081a2.

~/certutils-X.X$ ./stripsgn po-locale-en_GB-k3-X.X.X.1000-1.cop.sgn
2. Extract the archive.

~$ tar --extract --gzip --file po-locale-en_GB-k3-X.X.X.1000-1.cop
3. Extract the .tar file that the archive contained.

~$ tar --extract --file po-locale-en_GB-k3-X.X.X.1000-1.tar
4. Change into the directory containing the user locale for your language.

~$ cd usr/locale/cm/tftp/english_united_kingdom
5. Copy the locale files into a language specific directory in /var/lib/tftpboot. You can use any combination of letters, numbers and underscores for the language name.

~/usr/locale/cm/tftp/english_united_kingdom$ sudo cp *-sip.jar /var/lib/tftpboot/new_zealand
Depending on the phone model, a different .jar file is used.

rtl-sip.jar 6901, 6911, 6921, 6941, 6945 and 6961 sp-sip.jar 7811, 7821, 7841 and 7861 tc-sip.jar 7906 and 7911 mk-sip.jar 7941, 7942, 7961 and 7962
be-sip.jar 7945 and 7965 td-sip.jar 7970, 7971 and 7975 sl-be-sip.jar 8841 and 8851 sl-bev-sip.jar 8845, 8865
gb-sccp-sip.jar 8941 and 8945 gh-sip.jar 8961 lk-sip.jar 9951 gd-sip.jar 9971